Coding journey of a UI Designer

"When you design something, don't forget to think for when we develop as well"

said my senior programmer in my team. After I send him a new design of our prototype.

Before that my part is to create a high fidelity. I put more cool interaction and may be a complex design. Until I realize that sometimes it makes the developer team very difficult to develop it. So...this year my goal is to learn more about how layout and coding in order to understand the dev team.

What I picked up are:

  1. HTML
  2. CSS/Bootstrap

I actually have some basics of HTML a little bit but CSS is quite challenging. I learned a lot about CSS grid and Flexbox. I definitely recommend then, I learned about Bootstrap. I currently study about Tailwind CSS. I really like it.

My plan is to deal with JavaScript next year. Step by step right? I try not to rush myself. There are so many things to learn along the way.